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Category: Spa

17 Coziest American Mountain Towns

Berkeley Springs was listed as one of the coziest American Mountain Towns. Up in the mountains, the air is fresher and the views are better. There’s a sense of calm, as the only sounds come from nature—a babbling creek or a chirping robin. A getaway in the mountains can clear your head and get you…

Three places to fall for West Virginia

For much of the year, West Virginia lives up to its “almost heaven” moniker, serving up its beauty on meandering country roads, through rocky rivers and over high mountain peaks. But it’s never closer to heaven than in the fall, when its sugar maples prepare to shed their leaves and the view is all amber…

A recipe for comfort: The perfect family weekend in Berkeley Springs, WV

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Personal Journey: A need for natural beauty and healing waters

After the unexpected death of a close family member, an uncomplicated, therapeutic vacation was in order. Knowing my husband was a fan of hot springs for their healing qualities, I proposed several locations: California, Colorado, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Berkeley Springs, W.Va. The last was selected because of its easy three-hour drive west down the…